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Stories from our Team

Iron Woman

Ironman Triathlon participants cover over 226 km in under 17 hours. Michele, lifestyle consultant at Cherry Park Retirement Residence, has competed in this race 10 times — and she’s not done yet.
Innovative Programs

Happy New Year 2021

Our residences and care communities welcomed 2021 with hope and joy!
Stories from our Team

Thank you heroes!

We’d like to take a moment to pay tribute to the resilience and dedication of the over 12,000 Sienna team members who have been working out on the frontlines of the pandemic. You are all heroes.
Innovative Programs

A message of hope

Read hopeful and uplifting messages from residents. Their wisdom will inspire you!
Innovative Programs

Season’s Greetings!

Our residences and care communities have decked their halls and want to share their holiday spirit with you!
Kingsmere Retirement Residence

Tips for Caregivers

All caregivers, especially senior caregivers, need to take regular breaks from caregiving to refresh and recharge physically and emotionally.
Court at Laurelwood Retirement Residence

One stitch at a time

Jane Dixon’s beautiful stitchwork is featured on the 2020 Sienna Holiday Card, but how did she discover her talent? Read inside to find out!

Fire from below

As a flight lieutenant and navigator on a heavy bomber in WWII, Joseph is no stranger to watching bullets rise up from the ground.
Veteran Stories

Disarming bombs on the frontlines

“When you pick a bomb up you never know if it will go off, because it’s already armed,” said Don, who removed and disarmed faulty shells during the Korean War.