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Veteran Stories


When a bomb dropped in England, Joan wasn’t far behind it. Racing out on the back of a military jeep with her crew, Joan said the life of a military firefighter in WWII was filled with excitement.
Veteran Stories

77 years with a metal heart

Seventy-seven years after he was shot in 1943, there’s still shrapnel in Frank’s chest they weren’t able to remove.
Innovative Programs

Elton John tribute

Residents enjoyed a physically distanced Elton John tribute at Traditions of Durham Retirement Residence.
Innovative Programs

Thanksgiving at Rosewood

Residents at Rosewood celebrated Thanksgiving with pumpkins and a turkey feast.
Innovative Programs

Monarchs of Kingsmere

Residents spent the summer caring for monarch caterpillars and watching as they transformed into beautiful butterflies.
Awards & Achievements

Awarded for a kind heart

“I feel like I’ve just won the Oscar!” said Pat, winner of the 2020 BC Seniors Living Association’s L.E.A.P. Award.
Innovative Programs

Around the world in 5 days

Residents from Waterford Barrie travelled around the world without ever leaving the comfort of their home.
Innovative Programs

Wise words Wednesdays

The residents at Island Park are sharing their words of wisdom each Wednesday in this innovative program.
Innovative Programs

Daydreams to paperback

A resident and team member at Astoria Retirement Residence teamed up to publish a children’s book filled with wacky wordplay.