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What happens when seniors become pen pals with 11-year-olds?

Grade 5 students and seniors at Weston Terrace Care Community finally meet after 6 months of exchanging letters.
Innovative Programs

A taste of home at Maple Grove Care Community

Maple Grove Care Community has put a homey spin on meal times, offering residents more choices and opportunities for social engagement.
Innovative Programs

Seniors and high school students come together for intergenerational choir

Almost 90 people came out to watch a choir held by residents at Trillium and high school students.
Harmony Hills Care Community


Bob Palm is a talented poet residing at Harmony Hills Care Community, who was kind enough to share his poem “Canada” in honour of Canada’s 150th birthday.
Innovative Programs

Fashion on Fire at Fox Ridge Care Community

Fox Ridge Care Community held a fashion show in honour of Clement, a resident who served as a firefighter for 30 years in the Brantford community.
Innovative Programs

Uncovering memories one brush stroke at a time

Bloomington Cove held their first resident art show, and reminding residents that their life is full of possibilities.
Innovative Programs

Directors of Care at Sienna up their game

The Director of Care Clinical Leadership program at York University is opening up a new avenue of post-graduate learning for nursing leaders.
Stories from our Team

The key to happiness? Love your job.

Doris began working at Muskoka Shores Care Community in 1974, at the age of 17. While a lot has changed since then, Doris’s love of her job has not.
Stories from our Team

‘The little things I do make somebody happy,’ Vanessa Romero, winner of the Nursing Senior Leadership Award.

Vanessa Romero won the Nursing Senior Leadership Award through the Ontario Long-Term Care Association. But she didn’t always want to be a nurse…