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Innovative Programs

Continuing Life’s Passions

Giovanna, a resident at Villa Da Vinci Retirement Residence, has been cooking since she was 12 years old. Her demonstrations and tastings always draw a crowd.
Innovative Programs

Chinese culture festival

Residents and team members at Villa Da Vinci Retirement Residence enjoyed a cultural experience with students from Apple College and Fern Hill School.
Innovative Programs

Summer Life

July has been a busy month for Villa Da Vinci, where residents have enjoyed beautiful outings and innovative programs.
Veteran Stories

A Prisoner of War

As a prisoner of war in a Nazi concentration camp, when Vitaliano heard the Americans were coming he managed to escape. How did he survive? Read on and find out!
Veteran Stories

One of the lucky ones

As WWII raged on in Russia, the blistering winter cold proved to be as formidable an enemy as the Nazis.
Veteran Stories

After the surrender

After Italy’s surrender, Armando and his fellow soldiers found themselves at the mercy of Nazi Germany.