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Stories from our Team

Following your dreams

Gemma from Woodbridge Vista Care Community followed her dreams of helping people re-connect with food across an ocean.
Innovative Programs

So happy together

The warmth of human connection is about more than building a happy home. For our residences in B.C., that means coming together whenever possible.

What’s this 108-year-old’s secret? Never give up.

Margaret Cruickshank is 108 years old, but she’s not going to let that stop her from doing anything.
Innovative Programs

Learn the secret of Bloomington Cove’s success in winning the 2016 Home of the Year Award from the OLTCA

Bloomington Cove Care Community won the Home of the Year Award from the Ontario Long-Term Care Association for their Person-Centred-Care approach.
Giving Back

Fieldstone plays Santa for a local women’s shelter

Team members at Fieldstone Commons Care Community brought a little cheer to women and their children at a local women’s shelter.
Giving Back

When everyone comes together

Residents, family and team members at Fox Ridge Care Community got together to bring a little Holiday cheer to animals without a home.
Giving Back

We are Santa’s elves

The residents’ committee at Island Park Retirement Residence spread some Holiday cheer by sponsoring a local family in need.
Inspirational Life

The song in your heart

Gisele, a 91-year-old resident at Red Oak Retirement Residence, is extremely active in her com-munity. Her love of music led her to start a sing-along when she moved in, and it’s only gotten big-ger from there.
Giving Back

Who has the best soup in Grimsby?

The event, named So You Think You Can Soup, brought local restaurants together in a competition for the title of The Best Soup in Grimsby.