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Inspirational Life

The song in your heart

Gisele, a 91-year-old resident at Red Oak Retirement Residence, is extremely active in her com-munity. Her love of music led her to start a sing-along when she moved in, and it’s only gotten big-ger from there.
Giving Back

Who has the best soup in Grimsby?

The event, named So You Think You Can Soup, brought local restaurants together in a competition for the title of The Best Soup in Grimsby.
Innovative Programs

The Grandpal Project

The grandpal program paired residents at Maple Grove with Grade 7 students from Sunny View Middle School.
Innovative Programs

A visit to remember

Residents gathered together in the multipurpose room, eager to meet a ‘surprise hockey guest,’ having no idea that the entire team would be coming in to see them.
Innovative Programs

BBQs, campfires and smores, if you please

The near-beer flowed freely around the campfire as residents laughed and chatted over the crackling flames.
Innovative Programs

Picture Perfect

The needle slides up and down through the fabric, pulling thread with it.
Innovative Programs

Eye on the prize

The Olympic Games came to Cheltenham in a whirlwind of volleyball games, 100-metre dashes and javelin throws.
Innovative Programs

A spotlight on our stars

The full force of Hollywood arrived at Owen Hill Care Community in Barrie during resident appreciation month, and it brought all of its glitter and glam with it.
Veteran Stories

Commanding the wounded

In 1944, 18-year-old Mary Greenwood made the 70-killometer trip across the open waters of the Bay of Fundy in what she calls “lifeboat situations.”