
The Ultimate Senior Living Guide

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Innovative Programs

Mindfulness in nature and the benefits of forest therapy

Nature can be a vital and influential part of our lives. Many of us have stories and memories of pleasurable time spent in nature. In this webinar we will understand the concept of, gain insight into and discover the scientifically proven benefits of being present in nature.
Helpful Guides

Top tips to help seniors reach their health goals

Achieving one’s health goals is hard but it’s even trickier if you approach the task without a plan. To help with this Aspira has a webinar to make reaching your health goals easier.

Seasonal foods as part of a healthy, active lifestyle with Rose Reisman

Cooking in seasonal foods and outdoor activitiesAspira Retirement Living is proud to once again team up with Rose Reisman for a webinar. Rose is an award-winning entrepreneur, caterer, cookbook author, speaker and media personality. She is also a...