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Veteran Stories

When they say no

Outside the plane, the world was washed white. Don Monroe, a Flying Officer and flight instructor in the Royal Canadian Air Force, squinted, trying to see past the blizzard that had destroyed his visibility. He had been doing a cross-country trip...
Veteran Stories

Surprise news in open waters

They stood together in the mess hall. Waiting. Wondering. There had to be an important reason the entire ship had been gathered, but what was it? Gordon Weaver was born in Welland, Ontario, in April 1922. He joined the Canadian Army in 1942, at the...
Veteran Stories

This side of the ocean

The map on the wall was updated daily. Markers showed enemy lines, stolen territory and surrendered land. Bernice Anderson looked at that map almost every day. Born in Glace Bay, Nova Scotia in September 1926, Bernice’s parents both died before her...
Veteran Stories

Finding happily ever after

The waters in the Bristol Channel are clear and glitter in the sun. In the fall of 1944, the hum of a single airplane broke their serenity as it streaked across the sky. Arthur Stiff, who was a Hurricane Fighter Pilot in WWII, was searching for a...
Veteran Stories

35 years on the ground

The siren wailed, breaking the night’s calm. Quartermaster Sergeant John Stringer assembled with the rest of the crew. One of the ships in their convoy had been hit with a German torpedo, and there was no telling how many U-boats were below them. ...
Veteran Stories

A little right rudder

Autobiography by Bill Smyth As I am one of the last remaining Lancaster Bomber pilots still breathing, this tale should be most unique. A massive daylight raid was laid on for the city of Cologne, Germany, after the Battle of the Bulge. The...
Veteran Stories

Not yet 18 and fighting for freedom

Autobiography by Audrey Yorke I was born in England, in Bedford, in 1924. In those days, unless your parents were wealthy and could send you to private school, you left school at age 14. After working in a dry goods store until I was 16, I went...
Veteran Stories

They don’t call them ‘Spitfire’ for nothing

The shell exploded. Thirty-thousand feet above the ground, William Carr’s plane rocked violently as the anti-aircraft shell exploded just under his seat. Though he was not yet 22, he was certain he was going to die. A pilot in the Royale Canadian...
Veteran Stories

Lives Lived through War and Peace

Four residents offer a Remembrance Day voice on their experiences and life lessons during and after the Second World War.