Reginald Harrop woke up, confused. He was on a large cruise ship that should have been heading off across the Atlantic, with a convoy of 10-20 ships. But when he looked outside, they were alone, and the Rock of Gibraltar was towering over him.
The electrical lines wind off into the distance. Footsteps and soft murmurs echo through the tunnel as mothers come forward, cradling cardboard boxes. Inside the boxes, swaddled in blankets, is one of the only things they were able to bring with...
Autobiography by Bill Smyth As I am one of the last remaining Lancaster Bomber pilots still breathing, this tale should be most unique. A massive daylight raid was laid on for the city of Cologne, Germany, after the Battle of the Bulge. The...
Autobiography by Audrey Yorke I was born in England, in Bedford, in 1924. In those days, unless your parents were wealthy and could send you to private school, you left school at age 14. After working in a dry goods store until I was 16, I went...