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Veteran Stories

A Jamaican woman serving in the British Army

Biography written by Winifred’s daughter.
Veteran Stories

A woman in the Royal British Air Force

Winnifred Grant’s childhood was bookended by war. Born in London, England, in 1918, just as the first world war came to a close, Winnie joined the Royal British Air Force and entered WWII when she was still in her teens.
Veteran Stories

A Prisoner of War

Vitaliano joined the Fanteria 19th regiment of the Italian Army and completed basic training in Nicastro, in the province of Catenzaro, Italy. He was sent to Crete,Greece, which was a very active area in World War II, with numerous bombings.
Veteran Stories

One of the lucky ones

Peitro was a foot soldier in the Italian Army. He completed his training in Como, Milano and Antora. He was then deployed to Russia in October 1943, where he fought along the Sol Don River.
Veteran Stories

After the surrender

Armando enlisted in the Italian Army in 1942, hoping to become a police officer. After training as a foot soldier in Caserma Macao, Rome, Armando was set to be deployed when Italy declared “aminstia” – they had surrendered.
Veteran Stories

An interesting life

Twenty-eight years after the horrific Halifax explosion, the sky over the harbour was once again erupting with the shimmer and thunder of heavy artillery.
Veteran Stories

Decoding the Enemy

The tap of type writers fills the air with a symphony of sound. Richard Archambault, a cipher operator with the Canadian Armed Forces, adds to the music, his fingers encrypting a military message.
Veteran Stories

Bombs Away

Reginald Harrop woke up, confused. He was on a large cruise ship that should have been heading off across the Atlantic, with a convoy of 10-20 ships. But when he looked outside, they were alone, and the Rock of Gibraltar was towering over him.
Veteran Stories

When the sound stops

The electrical lines wind off into the distance. Footsteps and soft murmurs echo through the tunnel as mothers come forward, cradling cardboard boxes. Inside the boxes, swaddled in blankets, is one of the only things they were able to bring with...