Can I bring my pet with me when I move to a retirement residence? Many seniors ask this question. Your pet has been your loyal companion for many years, and now it’s time for you to enjoy retirement together. At many retirement residences, including all Sienna Senior Living residences, your pet is welcome to join you.
“Ivy, our boarder terrier, has turned out to be the Princess of the Village … everybody loves her dearly. She’s quite a character,” said a resident at Peninsula Retirement Residence in Surrey. “She’s just so happy to be with people. When she sits her whole behind wiggles as she’s wagging her tail. She’s always wagging her tail.”
If you own a pet, you know that they can provide and enormous amount of emotional support. You’re never alone when your beloved pet is nearby, but they’re also a lot of work.
If you’re finding it difficult to keep up with your pet’s needs, there are external services you can have come in to help you. Below, we’ve compiled a few you may find useful. If you want more tips about finding your ideal pet-friendly residence, download our free pets guide!
Grooming Services
Grooming services often include nail trimming, bathing, and hair cuts for your pet. They are offered at individual grooming parlours and at many chain pet stores.
Training Services
Need help with a pet’s behaviour? You can find pet trainers at many chain pet stores and from reputable organizations. They can help train out bad behaviours and instil behaviours you’d like your pet to have.
Dog Walkers
If ensuring your pet gets the exercise they need is a challenge, a dog walker may help. Look online to find one near you!
Doggy Day Camp
Offered at many large chain pet companies, doggy day camp provides a safe, stimulating environment for your pet. Sign your pet up for as many sessions as you think they need. Many camps will even pick your pet up and drop them off at the end of the day.
We hope these tips help you and your pet as you prepare for retirement. We also have resources on what to look for in a pet-friendly retirement residence and how to settle smoothly into your new home with your pet.