Lest We Forget

After the surrender

Written by Admin | Nov 1, 2018 4:01:00 AM

Armando enlisted in the Italian Army in 1942, hoping to become a police officer. After training as a foot soldier in Caserma Macao, Rome, Armando was set to be deployed when Italy declared “aminstia” – they had surrendered.

“We were all assigned where to go – some to Yugoslavia and Russia, others to Greece. When we were going to leave, Italy surrendered and became the German’s prey (capture). There were 2,000 soldiers in Caserma Macao. The Sergeant gave us arms to defend ourselves, as we were now surrounded by German soldiers with tankers.

“We were not able to fight our way out, we would all be dead. For two months we were prisoners of war. They only fed us one potato for every two soldiers. When the Americans arrived, we were set free.

Afterwards I became a police officer and worked in Rome in the Vaticano.”

Today, Armando continues to enjoy life at Villa Da Vinci Retirement Residence in Woodbridge, ON.