Our Stories

Around the world in 5 days

Written by Admin | Sep 21, 2020 4:00:00 AM

From Alaska to Australia, residents from Waterford Barrie Retirement Residence in Barrie, ON, have been traveling around the world without ever having to leave the residence.

“I thought we could do some virtual traveling using the tools we have. Every day we play a movie from the selected country. We also talk about facts, history, food, traditions and play a traditional game from each country,” said Mildred Gonzalez, lifestyle consultant at Waterford Barrie.

Over five days, residents experienced some of the food and fun from five different regions. The week started with Canada, and moved through the state of Alaska, continent of Africa, Italy, and Australia.

“Residents enjoyed this event and asked to repeat it again,” Mildred said. “The best part? Games, food, and movies!”